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Treynor CSD

High School


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High School Student Information

All students should become familiar with the rules of attending Treynor High School by reading the current Student Handbook.

The policies and procedures of using Treynor School's Computer Network are contained within the CardinalNet AUP.  All students are required to have a signed Authorization Form on file in order to gain access to the school's computer network and Internet.  The AUP is subject to change from time to time and the Authorization Form on file is in effect until a student graduates and covers any revisions made to the AUP.  Any changes to the AUP will be posted on the web.

The Chromebook Handbook should also be a document that High School students are familiar with.  

The Bullying Rubric can be referenced for bullying behavior definitions and consequences. 

Click here to review the Anti-Bullying / Anti-Harassment Policy

Click here for the Formal Complaint Form (Discrimination, Anti-Bullying, and Anti-Harassment)

Students can access their grades from a Student Portal.  This is similar to the Parent Access page, however, it does not contain contact information or lunch information.  If you wish to have a password to access this, please stop into the office.