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Treynor CSD



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The Latest Letter from the Superintendent has been posted.  Read today's letter which touches on weather, open-enrollment, preschool, kindergarten enrollment,  high school course planning, job openings, and the 25-26 school calendar.


We are Hiring! New full-time, part-time and seasonal job openings just posted on February 20th! If  you or someone you know is seeking a rewarding career in education, visit our Job Openings webpage at https://socs.net/5qY to explore current opportunities. Help us spread the word! Share this with your friends, family, and network. Let's find the perfect fit for our amazing school district!


Sign-Up NOW for Kindergarten. Round-up is scheduled for April 4, 2025. Please fill out this form with your incoming Kindergarten child’s information so you can be notified with more information. Students must be 5 years old by September 15, 2025 to enroll in kindergarten.


Time to Purchase a 2024-2025 Yearbook is Running Out! Go to https://www.jostens.com, enter school information and you’re set to order. Be sure you have the correct school selected – elementary, middle and high school each has its own book. Questions? Email Mrs. Schnepel at eschnepel@treynorcaridnals.org.


The Open-Enrollment Deadline is fast approaching!. If you or someone you know is interested in enrolling their child(ren) in our district, please visit our Registration Page for more information and submit the Iowa Open Enrollment Application by March 1, 2025. If your child is already enrolled in the Treynor School District, there's no need to reapply. The open-enrollment deadline for Kindergarten is September 1, 2025. For a glimpse into the many accomplishments of our district and why Treynor is a great choice for your child, we encourage you to read the 'Why Treynor' article.


Preschool Registration is now open for the 2025-26 school year. The application will be open until our program nears capacity. Fill out the online application here. Applications submitted by resident and non-resident students will be considered for enrollment using a weighted enrollment system. To be eligible for the preschool program, children must be: 1) 4 years old on or before September 15, 2025; 2) 3 years old and receiving qualifying Special Education services; 3) Have a completed application submitted and on file. The first round of determination letters will be sent by April 1, 2025. For questions regarding the preschool programs, reach out to Elementary Principal Jill Kay at 712-487-3414 or jkay@treynorcardinals.org.


TNN Broadcasts are available on the TNN Webpage.  Treynor News Network are broadcast videos created by the High School Journalism class taught by Mrs. Erica Schnepel. Make sure to check it out weekly for the latest episodes.  They have some fun additions to the programs planned for the 2nd semester.


Congratulations to the State Champion Elks Hoop Shoot Winners that competed in Ottumwa this on Feb 8th! Congrats to Hadley Chambers representing the 12-13 year old girls division and Caleb Bierbaum representing the 10-11 year old boys division! These two students will move on to represent our state in the REGIONAL Hoop Shoot Contest on March 15 in Iowa City! Good luck Hadley and Caleb!!




Athletic Booster Bash is Set for April 5, 2025. Get your tickets now and join them for an evening of entertainment, auctions and prizes. Proceeds from this event support 20+ Treynor athletic/activity programs. Check out their website for all of the details.


Pizza Night with the Scouts at Silos.  All boys, grades K-12, are invited to join Pack 729 for a free slice of pizza on Monday, February 24th at 6:30 p.m. (this was rescheduled from 2/18 due to weather). Come to Silos and see what scouting is all about. Read the flier for more information.


MS Bowling at Bowlero CB Starts March 4th Bowlero CB, 1900 Madison Avenue in Council Bluffs.  Get your friends together & join the team. Practices held on Tuesdays & Thursdays starting March 4, 2025 at 3:30 p.m. Cost is $65 which includes practices, shirts & awards. See the Flier for all the details. A Consent Form is required to participate.  **This is not a school-sponsored event**


The March Madness Senior Scholarship Fundraiser by JTW (Junior Treynor Women) is coming up on Saturday, March 22, 2025 starting at 7:00 p.m. This is usually a sold-out event, so check out their flier for all the information and get your tickets before they are gone.




Download the JMC Family App Today! With it, you can check lunch balances, grades, set alerts, monitor attendance and even report your child’s absence. Read this web article to learn more about it.


Treynor CSD’s website has an app available in the app store that enables you to have access to our important links at your fingertips.  Search for Treynor CSD in your device’s app store.


Are you looking for general Treynor Cardinal apparel? Check out the webpage article.


Bus Transportation is for students that have been assigned a bus through the transportation department and routinely ride to and/or from school.  For bus management and student safety, students are only allowed to ride their assigned bus.


Important links for calendars & events:

  • Academic Calendar for other early dismissals and no-school days.  Keep in mind that every Wednesday is a 2:00 dismissal for Teacher In-Service. 
  • Breakfast & Lunch Menus
  • Activities Calendar
    • Student admission is not free for the 24-25 school year but a large portion of the activity pass is being covered by donors.  Student pass cost for all home events is $20. Adult activity passes can also be purchased for $150. The Activity Pass Link is here
    • You can also purchase game-day home & event event tickets at Treynor's GoBound Ticket Page. While entry gates will have card readers available, pre-purchasing your digital tickets will speed up the process.

The speed limit in the school zone on Highway 92 is 25 mph during times when the lights are flashing. The school zone is highlighted in red below. These lights flash in the morning from 7:40 - 8:20 a.m. and in the afternoon from 3:20-3:50 p.m. (1:50-2:20 p.m. on 2:00 p.m. dismissal days). NOTE: The crosswalk flashing is managed by the City of Treynor.