ICAN Resources
The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) has a wealth of resources for students and parents in the areas of career and college planning, college financial aid, scholarships, and freshman transitions. Below are a number or resources that parents and students can utilize free of charge.
Financial aid priority dates for colleges in Iowa (For out-of-state colleges look at the financial aid section of their website or call the financial aid office)
Paying for College (pdf.) - This booklet lays out the whole financial aid process and what you need to do.
How to Set Up Your StudentAid.gov Account (short video)
FSA ID Cheat Sheet (pdf.) - A resource to use in keeping track the Federal Student Aid IDs for both the student and a parent.
Realities of College Aid (pdf.) - Good information to understand about financial aid for college.
Financial Aid Types (pdf.) - A good chart listing the various financial aid for college.
Comparing College Costs (pdf.) - A good chart to use to compare the various costs of colleges.
Federal Loan Programs (pdf.) - A chart that shows the different federal student loans.
Student Loan Facts (pdf.) - Things to think about before you take out student loans.
Mastering the Private Loan Path (pdf.) - Things to think about when taking out a private student loan.
Steps to Paying for College (pdf.) - Comparing federal student loans and different private student loans.
Why File the FAFSA? (pdf.)
College Knowledge Glossary (pdf.) - The College Knowledge Glossary is a very helpful document that explains several terms that colleges use. (Courtesy of the Iowa Assocation for College Admission Counseling)
College and Career Planning Guide (pdf.) - For juniors and sophomores.
Junior/Senior Countdown Calendar (pdf.) - A month by month plan of things you should be doing to get ready for college.
Freshman Transition Guide (pdf.) - A freshman guide to get started in high school and being a success.
Freshman/Sophomore Countdown Calendar (pdf.) - A month by month guide for freshmen and sophomores in high school.
Make the Most of Your College Visits (pdf.) - Tips and questions to ask when you visit a college.
Earn as You Learn - Exploring Careers in the Building Trades (pdf.) - Learn about apprenticeships and their role in training for the future.
Make Informed Decisions About Your Future (pdf.) - Worksheet and process that takes you through career decision making.
The Scholarship Process - Recorded video presentation on how to do scholarships.