500 Board Policies
500 Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students
501 Student Attendance
501.1 Resident Students
501.2 Nonresident Students
501.3 Compulsory Attendance
501.4 Entrance - Admissions
501.5 Attendance Center Assignment
501.6 Student Transfers In
501.7 Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals
501.8 Student Attendance Records
501.9 Student Absences – Excused
501.10 Truancy – Unexcused Absences
501.11 Student Release during School Hours
501.12 Pregnant Students
501.13 Students of Legal Age
501.14 Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Sending District
501.15 Open Enrollment Transfers - Procedures as a Receiving District
501.16 Homeless Children and Youth
502 Student Rights and Responsibilities
502.1 Student Appearance
502.2 Care of School Property/Vandalism
502.3 Student Expression and Student Publications
502.3R1 Student Expression and Student Publications Code
502.4 Student Complaints and Grievances
502.5 Student Lockers
502.6 Weapons
502.7 Smoking - Drinking - Drugs
502.8 Search and Seizure
502.8E1 Search and Seizure Checklist
502.8R1 Search and Seizure Regulation
502.9 Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies
502.10 Use of Motor Vehicles
503 Student Discipline
503.1 Student Conduct
503.1R1 Student Suspension
503.2 Expulsion
503.3 Fines-Fees-Charges
503.3E1 Standard Fee Waiver Application
503.3R1 Student Fee Waiver and Reduction Procedures
503.4 Good Conduct Rule
503.5 Corporal Punishment, Mechanical Restraint and Prone Restraint
503.6 Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students
503.6E1 Use of Physical Restraint and/or Seclusion Documentation Form
503.6E2 Debriefing Letter for Physical Restraint/Seclusion
503.6E3 Debriefing Meeting Document
503.6R1 Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion with Students
503.7 Student Disclosure of Identity
503.8 Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause Incidents of Violence
504 Student Activities
504.1 Student Government
504.2 Student Organizations
504.2R1 Student Organizations Regulations
504.3 Student Social Events
504.3R1 Student Publications Code
504.4 Student Performances
504.5 Student Fund Raising
504.6 Student Work/Intern Programs
504.7 Student Activity Program
504.8 Extra-Curricular Participation
505 Student Scholastic Achievement
505.1 Assignment of Courses
505.2 Student Progress Reports and Conferences
505.3 Student Promotion – Retention – Acceleration
505.4 Student Honors and Awards
505.5 Graduation Requirements
505.6 Graduation Requirements - reviewed annually
505.7 Early Graduation
505.8 Commencement
505.9 Parent and Family Engagement
506 Education Records of Students
506.1 Education Records Access
506.1E1 Request of Nonparent for Examination or Copies of Education Records
506.1E2 Authorization for Release of Education Records
506.1E3 Request for Hearing on Correction of Education Records
506.1E4 Request for Examination of Education Records
506.1E5 Notification of Transfer of Education Records
506.1E6 Letter to Parent regarding Receipt of a Subpoena
506.IE7 Juvenile Justice Agency Information Sharing Agreement
506.IE8 Annual Notice
506.1R1 Use of Education Records Regulation
506.2 Student Directory Information
506.2E1 Authorization for Releasing Student Directory Information
506.2R1 Use of Directory Information
506.3 Student Photographs
506.4 Student Library Circulation Records
507 Student Health and Well-Being
507.1 Student Health and Immunization Certificates
507.2 Administration of Medication to Students
507.2E1 Authorization for Asthma or other Airway Constricting Disease Medication or Epinephrine
507.3 Communicable Diseases - Students
507.4 Student Illness or Injury at School
507.5 Emergency Plans and Drills
507.6 Student Insurance
507.7 Custody and Parental Rights
507.8 Student Assistance Teams
507.9 Student Special Health Services
507.9R1 Special Health Services Regulation
507.10 Wellness Policy
508 Miscellaneous Student-Related Matters
508.1 Class or Student Group Gifts
508.2 Open Night
508.3 Student Telephone Calls
508.4 Supervision after School Events