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Treynor CSD



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Letter from the Superintendent

Opportunity to Support

Treynor Supporters,

It is hard to believe, but the start of the 2024-2025 school year is just around the corner.  This also means that our new activities season is also fast approaching.  That’s right, our summer sports have concluded and summer workouts are in their final stages.  This also means that fall activities will soon be starting their camps and seasons.  

I think we all know the value that comes from being involved in activities, both athletic and fine arts, but what is not talked about as much is the impact that activities have on a school’s culture and more importantly the memories created for all involved.  This involvement goes far beyond participating.  Our school activities are community events.  They are in many ways some of the “glue that binds us together” to all be Cardinals.  For our students, participating in the activity is only one way to be involved.  Being in the stands is an opportunity for them to be involved and support their friends, our school community, and let’s not forget an opportunity to form memories beyond the classroom.  

Unfortunately for some of our students and families, our financial times force them to have to make decisions about what they can and can’t do. Too often that can be a decision to not attend an activity at school because of the associated admission costs.  Last school year, our students were blessed to have the cost of admission to all home activities waived because of the generosity of donors in our community.  

I am communicating with you today to ask you to consider joining with other Cardinal donors to again make it possible for student activity admissions to home events be waived for our Treynor CSD students.

Several people have asked how they might support or join in with the other donors to support the costs associated with free student admission to activities for the 2024-2025 school year. Therefore, I am sending out this communication to let you know how you can join.

There are a couple of different ways to contact us to make your donation or to ask questions.  The first is to simply call us at 712-487-3414 or you can email me, Joel Beyenhof, at jbeyenhof@treynorcardinals.org.  If you already know that you want to be added to the list of donors you can simply click on this LINK and fill out the contribution form by providing us with your contact information and the amount you would like to contribute on behalf of yourself or an organization you represent.

I hope this communication is received with the intended message, to inform you of an opportunity to support and not a solicitation.

Thank you in advance for your support and as always, ROLL CARDS!

Dr. Joel Beyenhof

Jason Shupp
Activities Director/Asst. Prin.